+7 (495) 649 35 09
Vice President, Simultaneous Interpreter
Very experienced interpreter, in the past - head of the Russian Translation Service of the UN FAO.
Over the long years of international experience, Mr. Zaitsev interpreted for many heads of state, ministers, international public figures and politicians in 70 countries around the world.
In our company, Nikolay Zaitsev coordinates interpreting projects at international events, participates in strategic development of the company, actively works as a simultaneous interpreter and expert in integrated linguistic support.
Simultaneous Interpreter
Experienced simultaneous interpreter, graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, WKIMO, 1981. He worked as an interpreter at military training centers, including in Ethiopia, as a UN observer in three missions (Iraq, Yugoslavia, Mozambique), participated in the negotiations at the highest level, taught at Russian Linguistic University, co-authored a military translation textbook. Interpreter of ministers Rodionov and Ivanov.
Specializes in technical, military and medical topics.
Simultaneous Interpreter
Experienced simultaneous interpreter, specializes in translations of conferences, negotiations, seminars and trainings on construction and operations with real estate, insurance business, finance and audit, arbitration, banking; in the oil and gas and chemical industries, environmental protection, medicine, aviation, space and fleet, telecommunications, energy, transport, computer and nanotechnology.
Simultaneous Interpreter
Experienced simultaneous interpreter, head of our office in Nizhny Novgorod. Graduate of the Faculty of Translation of the Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University, teacher of simultaneous interpretation practice. Specializes in the translation of conferences, international events (economics, finance, law, new technologies).
Simultaneous Interpreter
Experienced simultaneous interpreter, providing simultaneous interpretation for a number of international organizations, the Parliament and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the EU, the European Commission, the IMF, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the IBC / International Business Council, the American Chamber of Commerce, UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, UNIDO, UNICEF, UNHCR, FAO, DFID, ILO, IOM, GTZ, NATO, OSCE, CENTCOM, WHO, USAID, ECO, NDI.
Financial Translation
Experienced translator, editor. Higher linguistic and economic education (SU-HSE).
Specializes in translation in the field of finance, investment banking, consulting and audit, strategy and planning, business restructuring.